(noch unsortiert)
BIS Fachinformationsquellen Philosophie
IDEENMAGAZIN Intellektuelle sind kranke Menschen
The Socratic dialectic - an on-line, interactive version of Plato's Gorgias
Epicurus and Epicurean philosophy
Zwischen Aufklärung, Neukantianismus und Phänomenologie
NOEMA - the collaborative bibliography of women in philosophy
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
A dictionary of philosophical terms and names
International Society for Environmental Ethics
Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie GIP e.V.
The American Philosophical Association
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason (Translation by Norman Kemp Smith)
The World-Wide Web Virtual Library Philosophy
Tables of Contents for All Issues of Postmodern Culture
Sun Tzu's Asian Art of War - 36 Strategies
Su Tzu's Chinese Philosophy Page
Tao Te Ching - Peter A. Merel's Interpolation
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